Jadavpur University Admission 2011 Online Form
Applicationforms may be obtained, either in person or through a messenger, fromthe University Information j Counter on paying the notified fee duringworking hours (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2-30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays toFridays, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays). Forms may be alsoobtained by post on sending a crossed demand draft for the requisiteamount drawn in favour of 'Jadavpur University' and accompanied by aself-addressed stamped (Rs.4) envelope (size: 2'5 cm.x 10 cm.). Theremittance should be sent to the Senior Superintendent, InformationOffice, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032.
All application forms must be properly filled in. Incomplete or irregular forms will be rejected.
Applications received after the last date will not be entertained.
Acceptanceof the application does not guarantee issue of admit card or call tointerview or admission test, let alone actual admission. Theapplication fee is not refundable under any circumstance.
Theoriginal admit card (for age verification) and original marksheet ofthe last qualifying public examination, with all other relevantdocuments, are to be produced at the time of written test or Interviewand also, if the candidate is selected, at the time of admission.
Anycandidate who does not satisfy the criteria of eligibility will not beconsidered for admission, even if he/she appears at the written test orinterview or is selected by mistake.
Candidatesmust report for the written test or interview half an hour before thescheduled time. Grant of interview does not confer right to admission.
A candidate will get full refund of payment if he/she surrenders his/her admission within 15 days from the date of admission.
Hostel accommodation is not assured.
Candidates are advised to read carefully the Information Brochure issued along with all prescribed application forms.
Admissionsto all courses of study are made strictly in orderof merit on the basisof marks obtained at the last qualifying public examination and lor theJoint Entrance Examination or the admission test plus viva-voce/interview, as applicable. Failure to appear at the interview orviva-voce, where held, will cancel the candidates right to admission.
Ifa candidate is granted provisional admission pending publication of theresults of the last public examination, his/her admission is liable tobe cancelled if he/she does not submit proof ofhaving passed theexamination (fulfilling the minimum requirement of marks, if any)within the stipulated period after admission or of classes, as the casemay be.
Notifications for admission to all courses of studies are published in leading newspapers.
Theconditions for eligibility, and rules and regulations for admissions,may be altered and modified from time to time; subject to the approvalof the Executive Council and / or Court of the University.Such changesand' modifications will supersede the information in this Prospectus.Apply Admission -Admission 2011
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Applicationforms may be obtained, either in person or through a messenger, fromthe University Information j Counter on paying the notified fee duringworking hours (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2-30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays toFridays, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays). Forms may be alsoobtained by post on sending a crossed demand draft for the requisiteamount drawn in favour of 'Jadavpur University' and accompanied by aself-addressed stamped (Rs.4) envelope (size: 2'5 cm.x 10 cm.). Theremittance should be sent to the Senior Superintendent, InformationOffice, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032.
All application forms must be properly filled in. Incomplete or irregular forms will be rejected.
Applications received after the last date will not be entertained.
Acceptanceof the application does not guarantee issue of admit card or call tointerview or admission test, let alone actual admission. Theapplication fee is not refundable under any circumstance.
Theoriginal admit card (for age verification) and original marksheet ofthe last qualifying public examination, with all other relevantdocuments, are to be produced at the time of written test or Interviewand also, if the candidate is selected, at the time of admission.
Anycandidate who does not satisfy the criteria of eligibility will not beconsidered for admission, even if he/she appears at the written test orinterview or is selected by mistake.
Candidatesmust report for the written test or interview half an hour before thescheduled time. Grant of interview does not confer right to admission.
A candidate will get full refund of payment if he/she surrenders his/her admission within 15 days from the date of admission.
Hostel accommodation is not assured.
Candidates are advised to read carefully the Information Brochure issued along with all prescribed application forms.
Admissionsto all courses of study are made strictly in orderof merit on the basisof marks obtained at the last qualifying public examination and lor theJoint Entrance Examination or the admission test plus viva-voce/interview, as applicable. Failure to appear at the interview orviva-voce, where held, will cancel the candidates right to admission.
Ifa candidate is granted provisional admission pending publication of theresults of the last public examination, his/her admission is liable tobe cancelled if he/she does not submit proof ofhaving passed theexamination (fulfilling the minimum requirement of marks, if any)within the stipulated period after admission or of classes, as the casemay be.
Notifications for admission to all courses of studies are published in leading newspapers.
Theconditions for eligibility, and rules and regulations for admissions,may be altered and modified from time to time; subject to the approvalof the Executive Council and / or Court of the University.Such changesand' modifications will supersede the information in this Prospectus.Apply Admission -Admission 2011
Click here FOr Online Application
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